Hi! I’m Dr. Davis. I’ve just opened my practice to serve people, like you, who are looking for ways to hear better or to find relief from the annoyance of tinnitus. I have extensive training in hearing aids, pediatric audiology, and serving Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing populations, but that is not why I started my audiology practice. My experiences with family and friends inspired me to do more.
One experience involved my grandparents. They both had severe hearing loss, but would never use their hearing aids. I watched their hearing decline, as well as their social relationships. These people who had been social and outgoing became isolated. It was difficult for them to participate in family events. It is well known now that social isolation and untreated hearing loss are associated with dementia, depression, and increased fall risk. Another experience that led me to opening my practice was when two friends suddenly developed hearing loss and tinnitus overnight.
One had a whooshing and pulsing tinnitus, while the other had buzzing tinnitus with abnormal sensitivity to sound. As I helped them navigate the medical system (sudden hearing loss needs to be treated right away!), it was obvious how slow and frustrating the process was to them. Long wait times for appointments, being told there is nothing you can do for tinnitus, and poor access to audiologists specializing in tinnitus were some of the frustrations they encountered. I wanted to create a space that is welcoming and enriching. That supports patients in their journey to better health and wellbeing.
I hope you will give us a try and find what you are looking for.